Friday, February 11, 2011

Food, glorious food

Its still freezing out, which means those yummy fruit + veggie stands I mentioned earlier (you know, the ones in Vineland, Beamsville, Niagara) obviously have yet to open for the season. While I chomp at the bit for that time of year to arrive, we still have to get our nice, fresh food somewhere.

I'm looking forward to checking out the revamped Hamilton Farmer's Market this weekend, and will report back with my thoughts (and maybe a photo or two!).

For staples though, we've been going to No Frills over the last couple of weeks (I can confirm, its the same as the No Frills in Toronto or anywhere else for that matter....) you know - basic and cheap.

However, one welcome find (to us, anyway) was the random discovery of Lococo's on Barton Street ....we were driving around last weekend and there it was...being curious types, hubby and I decided to check it out.

I was confused at first - Lococo's seemed like a strange hybrid of Costco and Sobeys to me (ie: not quite sure what it was trying to be), and we (perhaps naively!) were fully expecting to have to take out a Costco-like membership before checking out. We were surprised to learn that it is actually a fruit/veggie wholesaler, open to the public (hence, the giant portions of meat!) and very reasonably priced. The veggie selection is also excellent (I think a lot of it is local as well.)

We've had to try out a few restaurants so far, as a result of the unfortunate breaking-down of the oven in our temporary rental place (we'll talk restaurants and Hamilton house-hunting in later posts). For now, the grocery quest continues.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on great grocery stores in Hamilton (for staples or fresh stuff!)


  1. Have you found Zarky's yet? One is on Dundurn S.

  2. Haven't found it yet, I will look it up!

  3. and Denninger's - Jackson Sq is small but King E @ Ferguson is bigger

  4. Passed by there today when we were at the Farmer's Market - didn't go into Denniger's but it looked super busy.
